Tag Archives: Rep. Paul Ryan

William F. Buckley did not heart Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand – the only pure capitalist ever to take a second breath. Her novels celebrate self interest and individualism of the sort never seen in the real world. She is long dead, but her devotees seem to be rising from their graves and making themselves heard here and there. Even her novel The Fountainhead just got its second  Her novel Atlas Shrugged has just gotten its first Hollywood treatment.  Fountainhead was memorialized in film decades ago with Gary Cooper and Patricia Neal. I am curious to find out how they deal with John Galt’s 7-hour speech? (thanks to our ‘rational Republican’ Sean in the comments for the correction!)

Here’s William F. Buckey – founder of modern conservatism –  in 2003 with Charlie Rose, talking about Rand:

NOTE: Sherry at A Feather Adrift reminds us this morning that wunderkind Rep. Paul Ryan, he of the 2.8% unemployment budget, is a Randian. Elvis save us.

But those didn’t count, see?

Just picked this up at The Conservative Lie, where interesting things are often found. He has more link rich info.

These are the 8 straight budgets with tremendous 50% spending hikes that Paul Ryan voted for.

FY 2000, H CON RES 68, 3/25/99,

FY 2001, H CON RES 290, 3/24/00,

FY 2002, H CON RES 83, 3/28/01,

FY 2003, H CON RES 353, 3/20/02,

FY 2004, H CON RES 95, 3/21/03,

FY 2005, H CON RES 393, 3/25/04,

FY 2006, H CON RES 95, 3/17/05,

FY 2007, H CON RES 376, 5/18/06