Mike Huckabee can go fuck himself

Former Arkansas governor and GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee attributed today’s deadly massacre in an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut to the lack of God and religion in public schools.

Addressing the tragedy on Fox News, Huckabee dismissed calls for stricter gun control and claimed that future violence can be prevented by solving matters of “the heart” and turning to God.

Here. Fuck him. And the God and Guns he clings to.

58 responses to “Mike Huckabee can go fuck himself

  1. The Alternate Universe thing is STRONG in the guy…….


  2. I can hear him say it: Shame on those liberals, trying to use the tragic deaths of those poor innocent children to advance their Godless agenda to take away our Second Amendment rights…


    • Well, it was our fault after all ojmo – no god-fearing ‘Merican would do such a thing. (I look forward to finding out more about the shooters life; I’m perverse enough to hope that he had a religious upbringing. That would twist FOX and their minions into knots)


    • The operative word there is “rights.” Funny how Liberals clamor about the privilege of voting but attack the right to keep arms. You don’t, after all, have any enumerated right to vote, nor is there any law in the US guaranteeing anyone the privilege of voting.


      • Suggest you reread my comment. I didn’t attack the Second Amendment; I criticized Huckabee’s opportunistic attack on secular liberalism, which he carried out by invoking two conservative wedge issues, school prayer and gun control. In short, I attacked Huckabee, not the Constitution.


      • jonlan – I think if one listens, the argument ffrom the left has changed in recent decades and since this evvent in Newtown is focused only on the type of weapons available to citizens and without much in the way of prevention when it comes to allowing access to those unable to handle the freedom of owning a weapon.

        This kid – using as he did legal weapons – could probablyl not have been stopped. What could be stopped however, is such lethal military grade magazines legally in the hands of civilians. And as for his mother, the owner of those guns, they didn’t do much to protect her,, did they.

        I know these are not arguments you are making here, but I want to toss them into the discussion.


        • Most of your arguments are pointless, Moe. Banning “scary looking” weapons is meaningless and the difference between a 10 round magazine and a 13, 15, or 18 round magazine (most common capacities above 10 for handguns) is minimal in a situation where the perp can reload at will without coming under fire themselves.

          Those weapons are also only used in tiny percentage of crimes. The bulk of firearm-based woundings and killings is done by cheap-ass pistols with 10-round or less magazines.

          So what will the Left’s next argument be when, if they get their way, nothing really changes insofar as firearm-based crimes goes?

          I’ll wholeheartedly agree with you that the mother was grossly irresponsible if she knew her son was deranged. That she paid the price for it is justice; that so many others who were innocent did so as well is disgusting.


  3. Oh, he’s not alone. Steve Deace and Bryan Fischer also used the tragedy as an excuse to pontificate. WHAT IS WRONG with these people!?


  4. I’ll confess that as a practical matter, I think gun control isn’t going to happen. It won’t be enacted, and even if it was I don’t think it would be very effective.

    But if you asked me and I could make guns go away. I would.


  5. Right on Moe. Huckabee and the other assholes like him, should fuck off, and keep their mouths shut.


    • Of course they won’t. It’s all about face time on the teevee . . .


    • After they f*** off, they need to re-examine their theology too. If their god is sadistic and narcissistic enough to inflict atrocities on innocents just because there isn’t religion in schools, they made a serious spiritual wrong turn somewhere. Instead of embracing an elightened theology and a mature idea of the divine, they worship a bully.


  6. Tell us how you feel, Moe! ha, ha…
    Seriously, it’s not just guns that are the problem, but a lack of mental health care for people like the shooter — and Mike Huckabee.


  7. Huckabee and the others saying these things are essentially right. We’re not going to solve these problems by gun grabbing, increasingly paranoid security measures, or any other form of palliative care.

    future violence of this general sort can only be prevented by solving matters of the heart and mind…and, whether you believe in it theologically or not, religion is a proven method of doing that.

    That all being said, it’d have been better if ALL sides of the political issues involved and the worthless MSM would have kept their fucking mouths shut for a day or two at fucking least so the families and friends of the victims could have a bet of peace in which to try to start getting their heads around what’s happened.


    • ” religion is a proven method of doing that”. Tell that to the Islamists.

      Donald’s point is a good one – we don’t even try to vet the mentally ill. Even though no existing laws would have stopped that guy yesterday, laws prohibitin the legal sale of assault weapon and those 15 round cartridges would have meant far fewer deaths.


      • Moe,

        I hate to bust your bubble but the AR-15 doesn’t look like it was even used and, lacking any real opposition, he could have done the same damage with revolvers w/ speedloaders or a pump-action shotgun (shudder).

        But, vetting the mentally ill is part of solving matters of the heart and mind and something that we, as a society suck at doing these days.

        Imagine what Lanza, without any access to firearms, could have done with an F-250 if he waited to school was letting out, assuming the playground wasn’t directly roadable. Sick fucks will do what sick fucks will do – as will the evil people.


        • True jonolan, they will – sickness nad evvil will plague us no matter the laws we pass. But that’s no reason not to try to mitigate – we do it all the time. After 9/11 we created a security aparatus and two wars and if we look back the benefits to this country of those measures are practically non existent. And for the very few potential terrorists hits we may have stopped, we’ve paid a price in tremedous losses in our civil rights. We post speed limits and people break them. And people die. Wonder what the numbers would be if cars zipped up my little residential street at 75mph with total impunity? I’m guessing dead kids and dogs every day.


  8. Go get a job you free-loading Liberals


  9. well the poor kid that did this isn’t the only nut around.Mike sure is crazy too.
    Mike what would Jesus say…….maybe shut up


  10. I certainly don’t have anything positive to say about Mr. Huckabee, but I also don’t favor all the clamoring for ‘gun control’. I know Michael Moore painted a dire picture of the issue in “Bowling for Columbine” and that the slaughter seems to be getting worse. On the other hand, I’m also seeing the other side of the argument, beyond the 2nd Amendment, that provides for our ability to keep ourselves from being steamrolled by an armed force representing our or another government attempting to subject us to any form of enslavement. Go and watch “Red Dawn”, a fiction based on the possible, for the necessary reminder that we’re not beyond that kind of invasion. Also remember 9/11 and those who believe we all should die if we don’t adopt a certain religion. Remember, criminals don’t give half a crap about gun laws. They’ll remain criminals. The guns and ammo are already here. Let’s figure out how to make sure they don’t get used for the wrong purposes… OK? Much as I wish it were otherwise, people kill each other. They do it in all kinds of ways, including with guns. Without the guns, they’ll find other ways. Believe it…


    • Hi Mark – welcome to WW. I agree that people will always kill each other and they always find ways. But then there’s this: in Japan last week an insane man – probably schizophrenic llike they often are – attacked a schoolroom of children – with a knife. Or knives. And guess what? He injured four and no one died. As Jim said, in another thread “Guns don’t kill people, they make it easier to kill a lot more people.”

      I’m also wondering if there is an example in the developed world since WWII of a government ‘steamrolling’ its people? In what sort of situation would you envision an army steamrolling a continent-sized nation of 300 million? Our enemies won’t be carrying guns – our enemies’ weapons are economic and cyber. Even Osama bin laden proclaimed his goal was to bring down our economy. And with two wars on borrowed money and an insance Homeland Security apparatus, he got us half way there!


  11. Whether he was a former student or just had familiarity with the security because his Mother worked there fits a pattern of these mass killings being done by young men who know how to enter schools with weapons. They know that for the 10 or 15 minutes before the cops get there, they are all powerful in a gun free zone . Since the killer used his Mother’s guns, just how would any laws have stopped him ?


    • Alan, you’r right that laws would not have stopped this kind of mad killer – I said above that killers will kill and the insane will do insane things. We can mitigate but we can’t control that. But that’s no reason not to do what we can – and what we can do is acknowledge that magazines holding 50 bullets, which is the type he used, should not be available legally. That part we can do without the slightest threat to 2nd Amendment rights.

      Let me add that owning weapons did not provide his mother any protection. And often, with guns in the home, that is the case.


  12. Hi Moe! Long time no see. Just stopping by to check on you. I can see you’re busy here so I won’t take up your time. Wishing you a very happy holiday season!


  13. It is not realistic, I submit, to hope that America can achieve the kind of gun safety that exists in the other developed nations. Our national passion for firearms is too strong and too firmly rooted in our history and culture. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t improve either.

    I am not unfamiliar with guns, having qualified as Marksman in the Navy with the .45 pistol and having used the M1 rifle and 30 cal. carbine in training. I also used to go pheasant hunting with my Dad when I was a kid. Guns radiate (potential) power, they command attention and respect from onlookers. I have read the NRA magazine and I know the enthusiasm that sings from every article. It is easy to see that people whose worth is otherwise minimized by society are even more attracted to them than the average person.

    jonolan above suggested that the Newtown killer might have chosen to run down kids with a truck if he hadn’t had access to guns. Me, I don’t think that likely. Guns project power and ease, and the more automatic they are the greater the sense of power. That’s why I believe a legislative effort must be made, and at a minimum some kind of sensible limit on ammunition types, magazine capacities and an assault-rifle ban. That isn’t impossible because we had one before. Such laws won’t stop killings but they would greatly reduce the carnage. The stats in other countries prove it.


    • Guns project power and ease, true. But so do many things that give someone the power to take many lives in a single encounter. Remember “Road Rage?”

      I’ll also refer you to the Bath School Disaster of 1927, where 38 elementary school children, two teachers, and four other adults were killed and at least 58 other people were injured. The psycho used explosives, not firearms, at the school after first staving in his wife’s head. Then he committed suicide.

      …And anyone with an internet connection can learn how to do the same with explosives made from common, easily obtained materials. Hell! IED is part of our language now and the MSM has made sure to provide everyone with an overview of how “best” to deploy them.


      • @ jonolan,

        You are not thinking clearly about this.
        1. I’ve been given the finger by another driver with road rage recently, but she didn’t kill me with her car.
        2. Since 1927 the number of innocents slain by guns has far, far outstripped the number killed by explosives. In the year 2006 there were 10,225 people killed with guns in America. Less than 100 are killed annually that way in the U.K. That’s 1% as many.

        For a good summation of the problem I have not found a better one than this recent post. While this was posted by a very liberal blogger, the video he embedded was made by a Conservative Republican ex-Congressman, so I hope you can bring yourself to watch it.

        By the way, anonymous jonolan, got any children of your own? Just curious.


  14. Jim,

    The UK is essentially totally disarmed, has less than 1/5 our population, and has a radically different cultural / racial demographic so your numbers don’t mean a great deal.


    • What the numbers mean, jonolan, is that a different reality is possible. Who would have thought 50 years ago that cigarette smoking would be reduced to only 25% of the population, or that public acceptance of gay marriage would be passing the 50% mark? You might be willing to accept these 28 deaths as the face of inevitability, but many of us are not.


      • Your desired reality is a reality that doesn’t include the Bill of Rights. I’d rather see 100s of millions of the residents of America dead before seeing that.


        • You see the second amendment as scripture, but it was born of mortal man and, even further, it is subject to interpretation, as in, “A well regulated militia, being necessary to the Security of a free state, . . . ” So, rather than debate the common-sense of the thing you would rather ” . . . see 100s of millions of the residents of America dead before seeing that.” That’s not only wrong, it is inhumane. However, it is consistent with the notion that man’s animal nature prevails over anything higher, and in that you may be right. Only history will reveal who is right.


          • I do see the Second Amendment, as all of the Bill of Rights, as something akin to scripture and I’ll remind you that the only thing even giving Americans the chance at preserving the the rights therein IS the Second Amendment.

            If people would choose slavery over the possibility of death for themselves, I have no issue with them. If they would choose that for me as well, I will do everything in my power to guarantee that neither they nor their kith and kin can make that, or any other, choice again.


  15. The UK is essentially totally disarmed, has less than 1/5 our population, and has a radically different cultural(Jonolan)

    And it seems a lot less angry too. 😉


    • There’s what Alan said below and you might want to look up the figures for knifing in the UK.


      • @jonolan

        I would much rather take my chances with a knife wielding 20yr old, then one who has a semi automatic rifle and two handguns. For christ sake, the fucking kid fired HUNDREDS of rounds. Do you honestly believe he could inflict that kind of damage with a knife and that NO adults could have stopped him. I wonder how anyone in your country cant see that there is a MAJOR problem with guns. 😦


  16. Titfortat,

    You have an extremely short memory . In August of last year British cities were being rampaged by rioters . I wasn’t there, but they looked pretty angry in the news footage . 🙂


  17. Alan

    Maybe it was too much beer and a losing soccer match. Good thing they didnt have guns. 🙂


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