Now this would be a fine anthem, that ‘God’ part and all

11 responses to “Now this would be a fine anthem, that ‘God’ part and all

  1. Erving Berlin sure could write a tune.

    Happy 4th, Moe.


  2. One my wives prefers this one as an anthem:

    I’ve got to admit that Ray Charles did an awesome job with it.


    • ACtually I tried to find a version with good audio and couldn’t, so went with my second choice. Either of them is better than the current “who the hell can sing that thing” one.


  3. Thanks again. My favorite for the 4th. We’ve listened to it several times today. Happy Day hon.


  4. Ms. Holland ,

    I would pay to see you defend God Bless America against your friends, were it to ever have a serious chance of becoming the national anthem .

    Kate Smith is great .


    • I don’t think they’d have a problem – they’re not godless like me and even so, in that context it doens’t really bother me much. Perhaps because Irving Berlin was the quintessential Amercian songmeister?


  5. Ms. Holland ,
    Irving Berlin has the number one song of all time, White Christmas .


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