Yet another ten year old photo. Okay, maybe a bit more than ten.

I’m Moe and god help me I’m a political junkie. I’m a  news junkie.

Raised Irish Catholic in Connecticut, where those  identifiers were not beloved. Did not go to Woodstock. Lived in Greenwich Village’s SoHo before it was SoHo. Dated Richie Havens before he was Richie Havens. Lived on a sheep farm for two years in the 90’s and it was the best of times.

Been lurking and trolling far too long.  Acquaintances are tired of my snarky emails. I get into fights on Facebook. So here I am.


“One does nolt stand still looking for a path. One walks, and as one walks, a path comes into being.” – Mas Kodani

141 responses to “ABOUT

  1. hey moe just checking you out and yes you are RIGHT ON


  2. You are beautiful. Now I know where Dorian got the word snarky from!


  3. 10 years old! Who’re you kiddin’? You’ve just had it taken, now, aincha?


  4. Tempus fugit – or summat!


  5. Sure does. Sure does.


  6. Oh, I see that picture is 10 years old. So, you must be every bit of 42. 🙂
    Have a great weekend Moe!


  7. Hey Sandy, you don’t end a sentence with a prepostition. “where Dorian got the word snarky.”


  8. The Center Square

    Good to cross paths with you in the blogosphere. Remain a voice of reason; it is more important than ideology, by far. And, “Dated Richie Havens before he was Richie Havens” — really? Cool!!!!


  9. Where in Connecticut? I lived in Ridgefield. Spent summers at Candlewood Lake. Small world, huh?


    • omg. Grew up in Fairfield, and later lived in Mystic. We used to go up to Candlewood Lake when I was a kid. And Ridgefield? An uncle lived there and two best friends grew up there. I imagine they’re way older than you so you’d hve been unlikely to know them. (Jock and Ginger Iles – daughter Miele) (Vicky or Rick Michaels)


  10. I lived in a big yellow Victorian farmhouse on Wilton Road West next to the Knights of Columbus. Gary and Maria Bryant owned it.
    They also owned the real estate office in town. FYI, my blog site is sstorm0730.com or sstorm0730.wordpress.com. either one should work. Iles sounds familiar. I’ll have to ask my mother.


    • Wow. Don’t we just live in a small world? I left out that I lived in Weston for seven years. Even closer to Ridgefield! If you ask your mom about Iles, Jock Iles was – and maybe is still – a school bus driver.


  11. Moe, I posted a photo of the house I lived in on Wilton Road West on my About me? page.

    Ask Jock if he knew the Thompsons (Van, Jean, Eric and Evan) from Donnelly Drive.


    • That house looks like it was on Main St in Ridgefield. What a great place to grow up.

      Most of all, that picture makes me miss hard wood trees! We don’t have many of those in Florida.


  12. I lived in Coral Springs for 3 years (’95-’98) and couldn’t take the Christmas Palm Trees anymore. Plus, I missed the fall colors too much. That’s why the foothills in Colorado are so cool. As close to home as I’m gonna get without the humidity and skeeters. 🙂


  13. Thanks for getting back so quickly. This is pretty new to me, blogging. I’ve been watching your page and not only do we agree on much, but I like the writing and your attitude.
    My questions are two…
    1. I’d like your honest and even cruel, if necessary, opinion of my page, and
    2. How do I set the page so that only a short portion of each post appears instead of the entire thing?


    • I’ve been at this four months longer than you, so I think we’re both newbies in that regard! And I’m already loving your place. Especially the Conservative Elites post – that’s saying stuff that doesn’t get in the conversation out there and should! Even liberals don’t challenge these guys when they scream ‘elite!’. So keep at it and I’ll visit often.

      Also, I added you to my blogroll and hope you’ll return the favor!


    • I don’t know how to set up the page so you have a ‘read more’ function. It may hato do with the theme? Maybe some Wordpreve ss themes allow this and some don’t? And I agree, if your posts are going to be long, that’s a feature you want.

      Try http://onecoolsitebloggingtips.com/ – great reference site for wordpress bloggers, although a lot of her stuff is way beyond my level of experince.


      • To add the “Read More” option; do this:

        Type your post normally. When you get to the point you want to end the “teaser” and add the “Read More” link, click the “double rectangle” icon just to the left of the “ABC Spellcheck” Icon.

        It automagically adds your Read More.



    “God told me to strike at Al Qaida and I struck them, and then He instructed me to strike at Saddam, and I did.”

    President George W. Bush to
    Palestinian Prime Minister, June 2003

    Why did this change your life?


    • It simply stunned me to see an American president ascribe his actions to a personal word from God. In the world I grew up in, people who took their orders from God were given a somewhat wide berth. That someone who sincerely believed this became president shocked me.

      I’m obviously a liberal and not a fan of Mr. Bush’s. I never was a fan of Mr. Bush’s. My governor was a Bush and he did not hold the interests of my state very high.

      But this was on a whole different level. I realized the importance of paying closer attention so that more people with such medieval attitudes don’t get elected.


      • Medieval attitude? I think you’re confusing someone who believes in God with a total kook who thinks they speak directly to an omniscient creator on a daily give and take basis. Its not.

        Do you think someone who says they saw a sign, or saw a miracle, or just had a gut feeling, is as medieval and crazy? Where do you feel you get your direction from? Your reason?
        Believers in God often feel they have callings from him, or that through their prayer they are led to whatever answers they are looking for. It doensnt correlate to George Bush thinking he can get on the horn to JC whenever he feels. Until he grabs his Droid in an interview and says hes gonna give JC a ring real quick, I think ur taking that comment totally wrong.


  15. Thanks again Moe. You are indeed in my blogroll. and onecoolblogsite is a great site. thanks for turning me on to it.


  16. Did Bush really say that to the PM of Palestine??? Quote on the right!


  17. Just to let you know, I renamed my blog and changed the URL! 🙂


  18. I appreciate the listing on your blog roll; I really do. But I am very very happy to see that I am listed twice!



    • Yeah, but one has letter spaces and one doesn’t! Which do you prefer?

      The other day I was getting ready to leave the house, gathering the stuff I needed to take with me, talking all the while to my sister on my cell phone. And I said to her “dammit, I can’t find my phone.”


  19. Do you think someone who says they saw a sign, or saw a miracle, or just had a gut feeling, is as medieval and crazy? Where do you feel you get your direction from? Your reason?Believers in God often feel they have callings from him, or that through their prayer they are led to whatever answers they are looking for. It doensnt correlate to George Bush thinking he can get on the horn to JC whenever he feels. Until he grabs his Droid in an interview and says hes gonna give JC a ring real quick, I think ur taking that comment totally wrong.


  20. Hey Moe.
    Have you heard anything from Katrina lately? Kinda missing her around here. I hope she’s okay.


    • No I haven’t Steve. I’ve been stopping in every now and again. I’m kind of scared that she’s not well. She does have MS and I know she’s been in a wheelchair for a while. I’m not sure, but I think advanced MS can affect respiration.

      But let’s just hope she comes back and makes fun of us for being such wusses!


  21. Hey Moe, I was wondering if you knew of a left/Democratic blog or newsletter such as the Republican Red State. You know I like to get it from both sides. That doesn’t sound right but I tried the Huffington Post but it seems like a fancy version of the E! channel or TMZ. Too much Hollywood and not enough Washington. I need some liberal newsletters! Help! The harder left the better. Thanks. By the way who was Richie Havens? 😉


  22. Ran up on this site in a search engine and been here for the last 30 mins! I like it here; good readin’ and I love the way you think!~

    I will be back, of course.
    (I get it fights on FB too!-lol)


  23. The Center Square

    Hey, I just wanted to say I tend to drift over to wordpress a few times a day to break up the work stress. So I end up posting a lot of comments, many of them in response to yours, on my site or yours. Anyway, if I ever get too burdensome, you’ll let me know, right? I’d hate be that “Oh crap, there’s another post from him, I hate to even click on it” guy.

    But I do thoroughly enjoy your unrepentant liberal-yet-pragmatic views.



  24. Moe:
    Where in my beloved home state of Connecticut are you from?


    • Actually just dropped a word at your place on that subject. Grew up in Fairfield; mother’s family was from Milford. I lived in Ffld, Weston and finally Mystic before moving to FL.

      And I kind of envy you being there right now. I’m glad I made this move but the heart tugs sometimes . . . .


  25. The Center Square



  26. OK – I officially adore you now – subscribed!


  27. PS – I’ve got a 10 year old pic of me on one of my pages too – ha!


  28. Say It Ain't So Already

    Your blog looks great!

    Oh, and the pic of me on my blog is ah, about five years old.



  29. Say It Ain't So Already

    P.S. I sympathize with your words about how resistance might be futile.

    I’ve been feeling that way a lot recently and fighting against it.


  30. Say It Ain't So Already

    Yup. I hear you.


  31. scriptorobscura

    You have a great blog. Keep up the good work.


  32. Doing some browsing and noticed your website appears a bit messed up in my K-meleon internet browser. But fortunately hardly anyone uses it any longer but you may want to look into it. – A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The quote by Chinese philosopher Laozi


  33. Just curious, what wordpress theme are you using as it looks cool?


  34. definitiveliberal

    A wonderfully seditious blog. I’m diggin it!


  35. Hey Moe,
    Long time no talk! I am still alive. My blog experience turned into a job offer from a guy I used to work who needed someone to update his websites so I have been so busy with that I have no time for 56 Rebels which I miss big time. I’m glad to see your still grinding it out. Love the layout!
    Thanks for reaching out to me. Your a very classy person. I do appreciate it. I wish I had time to blog because so much has happened since we last spoke. My politics have drifted left. The Tea Party and The GOP are absolutely bat shit crazy. I kind of like Obama now. His killing Bin Laden I thought was bad ass but there are some people who thank G.W. for that which makes me laugh. The economy continues to suck because of Wall Street. And America is going down the tubes. I remember that you called out Rick Scott before the FL elections and you nailed it. He’s is so horrible. I actually moved from Florida to Missouri in January. I fell in love so that has taken up some of my time. But I do miss 56 Rebels and wish I could find the time to blog. I look back at it and it was pretty decent site for a while. I hope all is well with you and at the least I will subscribe to you and try and find some time to drop in some of my intellectual comments!
    Lots of Blog Love to you Moe!


    • Hey JP! I’m so glad to hear from you and that you’re well. In fact, it sounds like life is pretty good for you right now. So you fell in love and moved – warms my granite icy heart! Get happy and stay happy.

      I hope you do stop in from time to time. Right now, I’m struggling here – things are SO bad that for the last few days anyway, I’ve simply been unable to post a thing. I keep looking for something hopeful out there and just am not seeing it right now. So I’ve taken a few days off, but feel the engines firing again, so that’s good.

      Doing the blog has really added a richness to my life that surprised me – developing relationships like this ( see, I did miss you) , learning how younger people see the world . . . all good stuff.

      Blog love right back at you JP. I look forward to your visits. And ‘drifted left’? Great! Welcome to the tribe!


  36. Surfing the waves of the web I am pleasantly stranded in your interesting blog.

    I write under the pseudonym of Josè Pascal (a descendant of the great Colonel Aureliano Buendía).

    I invite you to visit my “italianglish” writing blog http://parolesemplici.wordpress.com/mytinbox/.

    I define this blog “In parole Semplici” as a “virtuacultural tin” box where they are guarded thoughts, memories, images, sounds, and simple stories”.

    I dream an intercultural blog. Already involves more than 100 authors/friends.

    If you want to participate and to have more informations send me a letter to inparolesempli@gmail.com

    Good life and I hope to soon


  37. Hi Just scrolled through a couple of your posts, and it appears that we are writing along similar issues. Namely Florida politics. If your interested, please visit http://firmmother.com/weworkforthem.

    BTW, watched the video of Scott, and my first comment is



    • It also appears we live in the same part of the world and share some people!(Anything Arts, Su Byron . . . )


      • I noticed the proximity as well, however new to this blogging thing, I am never sure quite how to behave. SuB! Yes indeed, and I am getting to know AnythingArts. SuB and I once had a torrid tumultuous affair . . . well, not really but one can hope. We’ve known each other for a few years, mostly digitally but the occasional coffee.

        I’m in SRQ. Your link to SVB brought back many wonderful memories, as I once lived there. Used to load up the john boat with rowdy young children, chug across the ICW and spend the day at Caspersons, playing pirates, fishing and getting sunburned.

        Nice to stumble across you. Have you picked up on this guy – Rick Swier


        • Doug – thinking on this a bit more and now I”m wondering . . . I’m retired from Venice Little Theatre (now Venice Theatre). Didn’t you do some consulting with us about a decade ago?????


          • Yes I did! I thought I remembered you from there as well, but since my memory of late is selective and a stream of conciousness thing . . . . wll I hesitated.

            Had lunch across the street the other day (now that I’m an SRQ’n I never seem to go further south than Bee Ridge), and was . . . . awed . . . . at the golden toothed marquee.

            How’s retirement?


          • The ‘golden tooth marquee – as good a description as I’ve seen. I was never comfortable with it, but it seems to fit the profile of Venice.

            Did you eat at Scamotz? Really good restaurant owned/run by Bill and Mary Jane.

            When you worked with VT, I think there were about 7 full time staffers. 27 today. It’s a whole different world. Year round, non stop and now the largest per-capita comm theatre in US. How ’bout that!


  38. Beneath The Tin Foil Hat

    Hey Moe,
    I just wanted to let you know that I was given the Versatile Blogger Award by my friends at Spread Information. In turn, I’m passing it on to you. You can check it out here: http://tinfoilhatman45.wordpress.com/2011/06/29/i-won-a-major-award/
    Take care!


  39. Yes I’ve heard of VLT’s amazing success. Still in touch with a few people in Venice.

    Scamotz it was, love that little place. Down there talking of Venice archives, Venice has changed a bit, especially the city council. What’s going on with circus arena – any takers?


  40. Hey Moe! Check out Cry and Howl if you get the chance!


  41. Mo, I just started following you and enjoy it very much. I am also a political junkie and have been since I was eight years old, a span of 50 years. I write my own blog and invite you to join me also. I always place my posts on my facebook site. Like you I believe the 99% people are on to something and do not want the established press or politicians to destroy the movement, like they did to the Tea Party. I will continue to follow and will jump in with my own insight when I feel the need, which can sometimes be frequently. Thanks for the fun site. John


  42. Hi Moe! Thanks for the mail about categories on The Oligarchkings. I’ve gone through them and made new entries and stuck the category section on the side bar so hopefully this will make navigation a bit easier.


  43. Moe, thanks for your kind words, you are really sweet and humble.


  44. You’re a level-headed person. People like us might become endangered species in the near future. Let’s back each other up! =D


  45. Moe,

    Please email me at shazlett(at)mba2006(dot)hbs(dot)edu, I’ve got an interesting opportunity to run by you. I will provide you with all the details via email. Thanks.



  46. Good post, I entirely concur. If I may deviate off topic and highlight that regardless of forking over income taxes to the federal government and sending our citizens to combat and die in every war, Washingtonians have had no voting representation in Congress and have had to seek approval from individuals they did not elect on all legal as well as financial matters. That my friends is crime against society, and America. Let’s hope it’s going to change soon. Cheers.


  47. Your blog has been selected to recieve the Versatile Blogger Award. Check out the post here to see what you need to do to accept. Congrats! http://wanderingamericantravelblog.com/2012/01/02/the-versatile-blogger-winners/


  48. Mentioning that you didn’t go to Woodstock reminds me that I remember the 60s so, by definition, I wasn’t there.

    Nowadays, I just tell folks that remembering is the after effects of a bad acid trip.;)

    I’ve never dated Pink, either before or after she was Pink, but think she’s pretty hot. That count for anything?


    • Let us remember only that which pleases us and damn the rest. And let us fabricate to fill in the bad spots and then remember hte fabrication. You DID date Pink.

      Easy, see?


  49. Here is the popular reading list I told you about.

    HBD is very popular among the high-IQ, cognitive elite.

    ———- Forwarded Message ———-

    For a sample of HBD, read:

    Here is a new HBD Bibliography:


    This is a very popular bibliography. I believe some of your articles are referenced there.

    ———- Forwarded message ———-


  50. Nice read. I’d say when one starts getting into fights on FB, it’s definitely time to start a blog. Bloggers are smart people and FB is well… FB. Dated Richie Havens huh? How cool was that?


  51. do you have an email address?


  52. LOVE reading your blog! In fact, I have nominated you for the “Versatile Blogger Award”!! Go over to my blog to get your badge of honor and to see the rules that go with it. (Don’t worry. It’s easy!) Congrats and keep up the good work!!


  53. Oops, I forgot to add the link to my blog: http://duff114.wordpress.com/


  54. Wow, that’s some bio…news junkie…Richie Havens…sheep farm…I already like your political perspective, but that’s all pretty freakin’ cool, too. I shall be clicking that “follow” button right about now.


  55. Thanks Chris! That Richie Havens thing always does it.. (It IS true though)


  56. Hi, Maureen!
    Been a long time. I am back in the blog-o-sphere once again. Hopefully, here to stay. Have a great day!


    • Wow! What wonderful new Katrina. Welcome back and I’ll be there often. Now I feel bad because I kept you on the blogroll for the last few years and finally, just a week or two ago, removed you and Ben Hoffman. Maybe that’s what did it! You know how it goes, you don’t use something for five years so you give it to Goodwill and then bam!, a week later you need it.


  57. Pingback: On Tributes | A Frank Angle

  58. Where are you in Connecticut? I’ve been to New Haven a few times…


  59. LOVE this my dear!! Now I have new “news” source aside from The Weather Channel and Jon Stewart and The Daily Show!


  60. Sorry not to respond sooner, just saw your reply! My son got his phd from Yale and now is a prof there, so I visited him many times and most especially when he got his degree, I’m sure most of CT could hear me screaming his name along with that’s my baby! LOVE your blog!


  61. phd/Germanic Languages and Literatures, and he’s teaching a German class and an Eng composition class on extinction.


  62. Hi Moe!

    Very happy I came across your site- I’m a big fan and now a follower too!



    • Hi Andrew – sorry I didn’t extend a welcome to you earlier; I usually would, but over the last week+ I’ve been pretty absent. Doesn’t happen a lot, but an occasional hiatus is sometimes essential! Anyway, thanks for visiting and followig and hope to see you again.


  63. Please check your comments Moe…..


  64. Found you through a re-blog on “A Pondering Mind” (if Don likes you, I’m sure I’m going to!)


  65. Pingback: A Quote From My Favorite Liberal On Days Past, And Days That I Presently Long For | The Rantings of Vern Rigg Kaine

  66. Hey Moe, wondered where my Pingback was for you and here it is. Made a blog post aboutcha, let me know what you think? Trust this finds you well. 🙂


    • Verne, you honor me with those words. Thank you very much. And of course, don’t all we blogwhores luv us those pingbacks!!!

      I’m great if way too busy – I so want to spend more time here like I used to . . . maybe back to more blogging soon. Sure hope so.


  67. Hey sweet lady! Been missing you! I surely hope you’re well!


  68. Merry Christmas dear lady.


  69. I like what you are about. Thanks for the follow. Link up on facebook.


  70. I miss you Moe. You’ve had a profound impact on my life and growth, especially as it pertains to my political worldview. I remember my stupidity, a young, poor Texas kid in his 20s. Calling myself a liberal (with obvious right-wing sympathies), I was enamored by the values of equality and social justice espoused by YOU, and I became very sympathetic to the left, until I eventually found my home among them. And it certainly helps that you were patient with me…and kind.

    I am proud to announce that over the last few days, the last remnants of any right-wing sympathies that may have persisted with me have all went away, and are gone for good. It’s been building in me.

    It has become very, very obvious that the right-wing in this country is dangerous. The more that people are granted rights, the more they imagine their own rights to be taken away. We have nutcases in Oregon taking over federal buildings, NRA kooks objecting to safety measures that don’t even go near far enough, racists supporting racist politicians, etc.

    The best thing we have going for us is the fact that the left is mobilized: effective use of media, high influence among those educated, support among the fastest growing demographics, etc.

    But the right is very dangerous right now. I used to liken them to toddlers throwing tantrums for being forced to share their toys, but in truth, right now, they are more like cornered animals. They have a major foothold in rural areas and across middle-america (Ohio is rife with them – maybe worse than Dallas). And I believe they are going to make a play for power, and potentially do a lot of damage before they burn out. I am worried about this. I worry about Luther and I worry about the people I love who would be affected if these bigots ever got their way.

    Seeing Obama shedding tears for dead children, and seeing these heartless repugnantcans bad mouthing the president and wanting to “arm everyone” has lit a fresh fire in me.

    I do hope you return to posting at some point – and I hope you are happy and well.

    – Sam


    • Sam! It looks like I never responded to this comment – don’t know how that happened but I am very sorry it did. I would never intentionally ignore you, ‘old’ friend that you are (albeit a very young one).

      First, thank you for the kind words. They mean a lot. And second, my oh my but what a fine writer you’ve become! You’ve put it all so well, so well and I think your characterization of the new right as behaving more like ‘cornered animals’ is just pitch perfect.

      And now, in the four short months since you posted this comment, we have Donald Trump for real. I admit my head hasn’t quite gotten around that concept. But I do know this: I. DO. NOT. LIKE. IT. Even if they guys loses, he’s not going away and neither are his followers.

      Dangerous days ahead perhaps. Maybe one of these days I’ll get back here – I really do miss it.

      But meanwhile, you sound well and happy. Glad of that!

      Best, Moe


      • Hey Moe! By chance I came back to see if you had resumed posting and noticed that you responded. I’m sorry it took me this long to notice it. As for your belated response, I wasn’t at all feeling ignored; in truth, I was worried about you – particularly after what happened with Hippie Professor – but your’re not old enough for me to have worried too much. My expectation was that you are well.

        My goodness, Moe. What a mess we’ve gotten into as a country. Can you believe Trump pulled it off? How much he got away with and is STILL getting away with? Isn’t that scary?

        But here’s the good news of which I’m sure you’re well aware: Hillary’s defeat, combined with a Trump presidency, may actually (if we can avoid some kind of national/international disaster) work out in our favor. For one, it has induced a power struggle for the soul of the democratic party, one that can potentially oust the corporate, DINO democrats that control it, and give rise to an actual worker’s party (imagine that, America with bona fide worker’s party).

        Additionally, it has completely energized the left. While the most reactionary elements of the American right-wing sit sated in the corner having blown their load on Trump, we are witnessing what may very well be the largest mass-action, popular-mobilization against the political right-wing that this country has ever known.

        Thanks for the compliments, Moe. Truth be told, I’ve wised up a little bit but I still have a ways to go. I look back over some of my old comments on this site, and just wow – I had some real “moments”, lol. Let’s just say things are a lot different at 35 than they were at 29.

        I hope you are happy and well. And hopefully you’ll make your way back eventually. The world could use your insight now more than ever.

        – Sam


        • Sam, one of the things I loved about doing this blog was watching you grow into yourself. Your honest efforts about working out your own conflicts was so impressive. And, by the way, YOU inspired ME as I watched.

          I am well and happy. I took on way too much in the last few years (ever hear the retired person’s lament “when did I ever have time to have a job?”) – that’s kind of the way it’s been. I publish two newsletters for the two boards I’m on and they’re very demanding.

          Also, the political landscape has become so dispiriting that I find words just failing me.

          But never say never – I’ll repeat that I still do miss this place. So maybe one of these days . . . .

          Take very good care and I’m so happy to hear from you.



  71. What, you need a sparring partner? We are in unknown waters for sure . .. .


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