All it takes to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.

If only someone in that Police Station had had a gun, they could have stopped the bad guy. I say it’s time to arm our police.  Here.


12 responses to “All it takes to stop a bad man with a gun is a good man with a gun.

  1. Welcome back. You have been missed.


  2. Moe offers this, without explicitly saying so, as a good example of how the mere presence of “a good man with a gun” isn’t adequate to stop a “bad man with a gun”. But, it does need to be said explicitly because I keep hearing on the radio and in the news of so many people who buy into LaPierre’s dogma. The bad man’s edge is surprise, and oftentimes, prior planning. In this sad case it appears to be just surprise, powered by rage.

    I read in this morning’s paper that gun nuts, in a panic over potential gun-control legislation, have been buying so many firearms, especially AR-15’s and special ammunition, that some manufacturers are backed up for 6 months. They are hiring. Hope they can find some Americans who passed math and science to run the manufacturing equipment. 😥


    • Yeah, that last thing really scares me. The gun nuts say they’re doing it because they’re worried about a gov’t gun grab…but what is it they’re really getting ready to do?


  3. Talk about saying more with less. Please oh please liberturdians and gun nutz tell me how guns are helping keep America safe. *bleh*

    Great post Moe.


  4. Right on, Moe. I am so sick of hearing that statement. As if it makes a difference. How many police officers are shot in the line of duty? How many security guards? How many people who are good people but who don’t automatically fire a gun when they see someone else.

    I am so sick of the gun crazies with their bumpersticker slogans and mentalities. They piss me off beyond belief.


  5. Stealing this, including your perfect comment!


  6. American’s Love THEIR guns……



  7. Come on you gun haters can do better, I hope . A suspect in a Police station steals a Police Officer’s gun to shoot 3 Officers , and this is your argument for disarming your fellow citizens ? You could make a better case for disarming the Police . This is pathetic .

    Please go on with your chatter. It’s great for gun sales . I love the law of unintended consequences .


    • A suspect in a Police station steals a Police Officer’s gun to shoot 3 Officers , and this is your argument for disarming your fellow citizens ?

      Actually no Mr.Scott, if you read carefully (something historically speaking, you’re not big on) you will see that this would be a counter argument to the proposition that an armed society is a “safe” society. This would be an example of trained good people with guns still being unable to stop a bad person with a gun.

      The moral of the story is that guns are made to kill people. Less guns in society = safer society because more people don’t have the means to murder their fellow human being.

      You could make a better case for disarming the Police .

      You mean like in Britain?

      Please go on with your chatter. It’s great for gun sales . I love the law of unintended consequences .

      Poor form Mr.Scott. I thought this level of vapid trolling was beneath even you. I’m also a fan of the law you mentioned, as another one of the benefits is allowing me to highlight your ignorance and stupidity on yet another contentious topic. So I guess we all win.

      This is pathetic

      Your argument free statements usually are. Now run along, the adults are talking. 🙂

      (Missed you Mr.Scott, how are things? Happy new year btw.)


  8. The Arbourist ,

    Come on, you missed me ? You either ignore or delete me when I take the time to visit . I am always on my best behavior when I visit your echo chamber .

    I must throw it back at you , the Adult , that you have your facts wrong . You might try speaking to some gun owners and perhaps learn your subject a bit better . The two bestest gun salesmen in American history are Bill Clinton and Barry Obama . People are having trouble finding certain guns because the shops are sold out . Check it out yourself .

    Merry Christmas .


    • Gee Alan, other than pretending he’s going to get behind new laws, when has Obama ever even mentioned gun control before Newtown? Or more importantly, when has he ever done anything. And Clinton? I’m sorry – I don’t recall gun cntrol being part of his agenda. Perhaps you’d like to enlighten us.


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