Thanks for getting rid of the nukes Senator, but we won’t need you anymore

So the Tea Party and Dick Armey and Karl Rove and all the Koch money and the poor souls who think they’re well served by being ground troops for this crowd did it, they got rid of Lugar. He just wasn’t pure enough.

A Lugar loss marks a sea change in both Indiana and Washington, where Lugar  has long played the role of Republican wise man, a sober internationalist who  could reach across the aisle to solve difficult problems.

In today’s political climate, however, Lugar’s bipartisan leanings were part  of his undoing — and the defeat of the man Richard Nixon once called “America’s  mayor” when he led Indianapolis will send chills down the spines of fellow GOP  incumbents seeking reelection in states where a conservative insurrection is  possible.

16 responses to “Thanks for getting rid of the nukes Senator, but we won’t need you anymore

  1. Wise, Bipartisan men….or Women need NOT apply to the GOP at THIS TIME……


  2. Yesterday was not a good day for the country.


  3. And another would-be Sweeny Todd has been fed to Ragg’s razor. It’s about time.


    • Sweeny Todd how?


      • Sweeny Todd and Mrs. Lovett are how I’ve begun the analogize the establishment politicians who are so devoted the “sausage making” school of legislation.

        We end up being the meat that’s ground up in their “compromises,” which are more often trade-offs of support on differing bills instead of actual compromise.


        • I think jonolan it’s more a matter of human nature. When a group is charged with making a decision they can only do so with give a little, get a little. It simply doesn’t happen any other way.

          Sure they make sausage and terrible sausage at that. But that’s a matter of rules of the Senate, not of ideology. And it also brings ot mind the cliche: don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. We never get what we want exactly. I want a Mercedes, but I have a Toyota. Holding out till I had enough money for a Mercedes would have denied me transportation and that would have been a very poor decision indeed.

          People whose allegiance is to a political party or ideology are not suited to legislate. Or to representative government. Or to deliberation. Just won’t work.


          • Let’s look at it objectively, Moe.

            We’ve had professional politicians like Lugar running things their way for several lifetimes and where is the nation right now?

            People with no allegiance to an ideology are, by and large, unsuited to making any decisions that affect others as long as there are those who will influence their decision for their benefit. Just won’t work.


            • [and where is the nation right now?]

              The richest, strongest country in the world? The only one that has the tools to climb out of its economic problems? The country of the world’s default currency? The culture that’s been exported around the world? The inventors of the internet, the greatest invention siince electricity? The country that spread democracy across the globe? The place everyone wants to get into?

              That’s who we are and we got there by working together and sometimes giving in to the other guy so we could at least move forward. The problem with being ideological is that there’s never only one ideology.

              We compromise everywhere in life – spouses are a perfect example. If they ‘work their conflicts’ out, they succeed. If they can’t, they fail.


  4. Hmmm, Moe…

    Richest and Strongest? Sadly, not really except militarily.

    The only one that has the tools to climb out of its economic problems? I’m glad you think so, but I don’t share the same blind faith.

    The country of the world’s default currency? For now and that’s based upon inertia and some serious threats on our part as opposed to a validity in its continued use.

    The culture that’s been exported around the world? Culture?!?! Please, Moe. The material trappings of our way of life have been exported, much to the world’s detriment, but little of our actual culture.

    The inventors of the internet, the greatest invention since electricity? Greatest as in powerful, I’ll give you – much like our invention of atomic bomb.

    The country that spread democracy across the globe? When and where, Moe? Think for a moment about the nature of how we did – when it was even marginally successful – that in the light of previous statements you’ve made about our “Imperialism.”

    The place everyone wants to get into? Yeah, largely for the money and now that’s gone and they’re leaving, or didn’t you read the recent reports on illegal immigration.

    I love America but your examples seem a bit odd as examples of our strong points.


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