Grifters, the whole lot of ’em

Bristol Palin’s Nonprofit Paid Her Seven Times What It Spent On Actual Teen Pregnancy Prevention

In 2009, Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol joined a teen pregnancy prevention nonprofit called the Candie’s Foundation. Today, the Associated Press reported that the Candie’s Foundation released its 2009 tax information, revealing that Bristol was paid a salary of $262,500.

But a closer examination of the tax form by ThinkProgress shows that the group disbursed only $35,000 in grants to actual teen pregnancy health and counseling clinics.

from Think Progress

17 responses to “Grifters, the whole lot of ’em

  1. Pingback: Bristol Palin’s Nonprofit Paid Her Seven Times What It Spent On Actual Teen Pregnancy Prevention « The Fifth Column

  2. I can’t muster up any surprise, I’m afraid.



  3. Ms. Holland ,

    I am always amazed at how it is women who actually hate other successful women . They always say we males are the chauvinists . Would you hate Bristol if her Mom had not been in politics ? If her Mom’s name were ,, I don’t know ,, Hillary ? 🙂


    • Ahh, Bristol and Chelsea, same thing. Hillary’s daughter? A successful woman who stayed in school and didn’t get pregnant and has a real job and walked down the aisle on her father’s arm and married another adult.

      I admire both Clinton women. I feel sorry for Bristol Palin. And I think her mother is cheap and opportunistic and mean.


  4. Ms. Holland ,

    You feel so sorry for Bristol ? Yet you used her to strike back at your real target Sarah Palin . Bristol was the one who made the money . I am sure Chelsea took a few arrows, from my side, for her parents , but not as many as Bristol is from you and yours .


  5. Ms. Holland ,

    You obviously are not a forgiving person to a young woman who got herself in trouble, and made a mistake . That young woman took responsibility for her child and is raising him .


    • Good for her. I am a very forgiving person but she’s done nothing to me personally, so I don’t need her apology nor do I owe her any kind of ‘forgiveness’.

      Every year, tens of thousands of young women take responsiblity and raise their child. So good for her and good for them all.

      By the way, she didn’t get in trouble – she got pregnant. That’s fine. THey’re still grifters, the lot of ’em.


  6. Ms. Holland ,

    ” By the way, she didn’t get in trouble – she got pregnant. That’s fine. ”

    I think if you are a teenager who has an unplanned pregnancy and you have to tell your parents, you are in deep trouble . You hope you have supportive parents who can help you .

    ” THey’re still grifters, the lot of ‘em. ”

    So the whole family are grifters, even the younger kids ? Who did they grift ?

    By the way, I just saw the LT. Governor of Alaska on TV . Sarah Palin’s State is probably the only State in the union that has a surplus in their budget . I wonder, wonder, wonder how they did that ? You know your Stupid State could go a long way towards solving it’s fiscal troubles if only they would do what Alaska does .


    • So what does the enlightened state of Alaska do Alan?

      I know they pay all Alaskans big bunches of green money every year from the oil. I know that over half the state is native american and probably supported by the Feds. Alaska is the most socialist state in the country probably.

      So what do they do?


  7. Ms . Holland ,

    ” So what do they do? ”

    Funny you should ask . Drum roll please .$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

    The pump oil ! They want to pump a lot more which would be good for them and really good for us , but they got some freaking morons in ,,,,, where is that place ? Now I remember, they got some freaking morons in Washington D.C. that won’t let them produce more.

    Your state could also pump a lot of oil and make money too. But no, they would rather burn oil from other places .

    So tell me, now that oil went to $ 112 per barrel today, just how many barrels have any of your windmills and solar panels saved ? What is your hero , upp, your guy Obama going to do about it ?


    • Alan, if you want to have a conversation or even an argument, great. But bring something to the table please. There are terrible awful things happening all around us and I’m not lucky enough – like you apparenttly are – to be able to stay pure and blame it all on one person or one group of persons.


  8. Ms. Holland ,

    ” I’m not lucky enough – like you apparenttly are – to be able to stay pure and blame it all on one person or one group of persons. ”

    It’s funny I get yelled at all the time at home that I think I’m perfect . Can’t figure it out .

    You are right, now that I think about it . I do blame Pelosi, Reid, Schumer, Waters, Biden, and Obama for all of the trouble in the Country . Guilty as charged .


  9. [I do blame [them] for all of the trouble in the Country]

    Wow. Just wow. Iraq? Afghanistan? The loss of 8million jobs in 2008? The complete collapse of the economy in 2008? Wow. The 40 years of rising health care costs? The 30 years of static wages? Wow. NAFTA? Immigration? Educational failures? Wow.


  10. Ms. Holland ,

    Yes I do . I won’t bore you with the specifics . As you know I can bury anyone with details . Anyone !


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