As watertiger put it, grifters gotta grift

Here again cometh Christian pin-up Ralph Reed and this time with More-Deity-For-Your-Dollars! He had to shut down that Indian Tribe swindle he had going – and damn but that was good money! Former partner Jack Abramoff went and changed careers after getting himself convicted and sent to jail. Jack’s into redemption now, so Ralph is back to plain old huckstering, an ancient, if dishonorable, profession. (See those annoying little points on the pocket handkerchief? There’s yer proof that Ralph’s the too too smooth sort.)

Does make me wonder where is Tom DeLay these days?

4 responses to “As watertiger put it, grifters gotta grift

  1. Shepard Sherbell

    My friends in Atlanta call him Satan.


  2. A discount at Subway? Where do I sign up?


  3. Pingback: The American Hall of Shame: A Not-So-Little List | SERENDIPITY

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