Adding a new quote . . . Twain (bless his Connecticut Yankee heart) offered some very fine advice that took me a lifetime to hear.

Substitute damn every time you’re inclined to write very; your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.

9 responses to “Adding a new quote . . .

  1. Wow, ain’t that the truth. A great quote from Twain, and one I had never heard before. Nice!

    We have a wonderful language just chock full of superlatives ready for use, but the tendency to modify them is ubiquitous. As in, for example, “isn’t that a little bit amazing?” Drives me a little nuts. Ouch. 😀


  2. Amen. Ditto “really”.


  3. Makes me wonder how many great quotes are from Twain!


  4. Damn nice quote!


  5. And the same applies to “just” and “actually”. ARGH!


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