Well done John McCain. For that, we’ll get off your lawn

Stand back McCarthy! (and where are Walsh and Wilson?)

John McCain is still that old guy down the street who yells at you. He is still the guy who was willing to risk this country in Sarah Palin’s hands. And he is too enamored of war for my comfort.

Another thing John McCain is? He is one damn stand-up guy.

What’s remarkable about this is that it is remarkable. Where were his colleagues? Who else spoke as forcibly? And publicly? Good on him.  (video posted thanks to Orhan who once again came to the rescue.)

30 responses to “Well done John McCain. For that, we’ll get off your lawn

  1. I definitely disagree with many of his positions but at least HE isn’t one of the crazies who believe someone with a name other than Jones or Smith is a terrorist.


    • And this is not the first time he’s spoken up on that. Ironic that the Sheriff Arpaino nonsense is in McCain’s state. I’m sure they know each otehr very well!


  2. Good Sen. McCain clip. Many thanks, Maureen!


  3. Surely you jest!
    Surely you can see the danger in what’s happening and you all aren’t so naive and shallow to realize this was/is not a personal attack on Huma. John McCain displayed nothing but idiocy and ignorance and if anyone should be apologizing it’s him and the rest of the freaks that’s been compromised into allowing entry into the White House by sworn enemies of the United States. I’ll bet not one of you have actually researched anything about the subject.
    Bachmann should call for an investigation of McCain as well. He checked his manhood at the door when he got elected … replacing it with a Tampon.


  4. Once again McCain shows his true and lacking character. This Huma bint should be investigated so that we can be sure that there’s not a problem.

    Hell! If she was nominally a Christian and had supposed ties to a radical Christian group, not one Leftie would complaining about her being checked out.

    As for McCain’s repeated crap about this Muslima being “decent and honorable” – It’s further proof that McCain should only have been elected POTUS so that an American who truly loved their country could assassinate him and put Palin in the big chair.

    An individual cannot be a Muslim and be “decent and honorable” by Western standards. The religious requirements are in direct contradiction to what we in the West describe as decent and honorable.


    • Hell! If she was nominally a Christian and had supposed ties to a radical Christian group, not one Leftie would complaining about her being checked out.

      Citation needed. Defending the persecuted majority or just taking a baseless shot at the left?

      Or did I miss the part where you were part of the FBI who are responsible for doing background checks?

      An individual cannot be a Muslim and be “decent and honorable” by Western standards.

      Wow, racist much? Way to exclude a whole class of people on the basis of their beliefs (or more likely your narrow interpretation of their beliefs). Are there any other people we should actively discriminate against solely on the basis of their religion? We should make a list – I’ve heard those Buddhists are a surly bunch…

      The religious requirements are in direct contradiction to what we in the West describe as decent and honorable.

      I’m not sure what standards you are talking about, but they certainly are not the ones “the West” subscribes too.


  5. I’ll bet not one of you have actually researched anything about the subject.

    So, then prove conclusively that she is a threat to national security. Otherwise you are just basing your opinion on speculation.

    He checked his manhood at the door when he got elected … replacing it with a Tampon.

    Your misogyny is showing;it makes you look like a douche. And yes it is misogyny when you insinuate that being female or having female characteristics is shameful/undesirable.


    • Your stupidity is showing again, arbourist.

      Proving conclusively whether or not this muslima is a credible threat to America’s national security is exactly what the called for investigation is an attempt to do and exactly what your sort seem to have problem with.

      Then your sort wants America to be harmed, so that’s no real surprise.


      • J: Proving conclusively whether or not this muslima person is a credible threat to America’s national security is exactly what the called for investigation is an attempt to do and exactly what your sort seem to have problem with.

        I’ve read more about this now, and it seems a little more clear about what happened. This “allegation” is a black-helicopter-tinfoil hatted smear amplified by some of the right-leaning media outlets.

        In a rare show of bipartisanship, Republicans and Democrats and critics in the media, from CNN, MSNBC and Fox, were quick to characterize Bachmann’s insinuations as based on rumors and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories.

        Emphasis mine. Furthermore…

        Bachmann’s is both a voice and victim of a growing xenophobic and Islamophobic sub-culture that indiscriminately blurs the distinction between the religion of Islam and the majority of mainstream Muslims with the actions and threats of a dangerous and deadly minority of terrorists. Bachmann has offered no hard evidence; her allegations are based on erroneous and unsubstantiated information primarily from notorious Islamophobes such as Frank Gaffney, founder and president of the Center for Security Policy and a neoconservative with an obsession for conspiracy theories about Islam and Muslim “infiltration” in government.

        So, it seems that this is a baseless witch-hunt made up by a member of congress who has reputation for factual inaccuracy.

        Here is what I said:

        So, then prove conclusively that she is a threat to national security. Otherwise you are just basing your opinion on speculation.

        It is a feature, not a bug, of skepticism that you look for evidence that backs up your assertion. The available evidence, as by the WP link, provides much information pointing to the conclusion that this person is not a threat to to national security and the claims against her are most likely paranoid fantasy more than anything else.

        Then your sort wants America to be harmed, so that’s no real surprise.

        You mean not having America engage again in McCarthy style red-scares and the needless trashing of peoples lives based on little to no evidence? I do support that, and if that is “harming America”, too bad.


      • A few points:

        Quoting me but crossing out muslima and putting in “person” is both rude – expected from your sort – and stupid – again, expected from leftwing filth – since muslima is a more specific and proper title for a female Muslima by their own cultural standards.

        It’s hardly a witch-hunt since her families ties to vermin of the Muslim Brotherhood are well established and now they’re just wanting to check if it goes further, a necessary step across the board with sad results of the insurrection in Egypt.

        And finally, you’re not a skeptic. You’re just another American-hating Leftie. A skeptic would show more objectivity and reason instead of ranting on in favor of every anti-American cause.


        • Muslim – Muslima
          Jew – Jewess
          Christian – Christine?
          Catholic – Catholica?


          • The first two are correct, though “Jewess” fell out of favor post WW2.


            • I know that Jewess is archaic now. I’ve never heard Muslima before you said it. But the point of my comment is that I’m curious what name you would assign to Christian, Catholic, Buddhist, Hindu . . .?


              • I wouldn’t do so. Both Muslima and Jewess are “proper” terminology for females of their respective religions / cultures and that seems to have been set up original by the people’s in question. It is nothing but the female form of the Arabic word, Muslim.

                There hasn’t seem to have developed for most other faiths or, at least, not one’s that I’m aware of. Though it’s likely that many languages already have such distinctions in them based upon their gendercentricity such as Spanish with “Cristiano” and “Christiana.”


                • Sure was news to me – but you are correct. One for jonolan!

                  I just went looking and it seems ‘muslima’ is a new usage. It’s young women who have started using it – a la Latina – ”

                  “the decision to refer to oneself as a Muslima is a personal choice; more conservative Muslims tend not to use it. By describing herself as a Muslima, a Muslim woman rejects the all-encompassing “Muslim,” distinguishing herself as a separate and distinctively female entity. In a sense, using “Muslima” is empowering, reminding people of the role of women in Islam and stressing the idea that women can be independent, powerful people with their own thoughts, ideas, and goals which may be separate from those of Muslim men.”

                  I got that here: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-muslima.htm


    • Shall vain words have an end? or what emboldeneth thee that thou answerest?
      “Douche”?? Moi? I trow not Arbourist, and you’ve cut me deep, but ah, I consider the source.
      How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words?
      Jonolan, trying to reason with a person whose level of intelligence is easily matched by the little creatures that leave a trail of slime is frustrating and vain. Remember it’s written to comfort the feeble-minded. Abourist lays challenges of proof or evidence yet fails to accomodate anyone with the same. Bachmann didn’t ask for proof, she asked for an investigation. I know that’s somewhat difficult to grasp and I typed it as slow as possible.

      Arbourist is the kind of guy whose wife will wake him up at 2 a.m. after seeing a dark silhouette standing at the bedroom window and he’d simply roll over a go back to sleep.
      Being female isn’t shameful or undesirable at all Arbourist … I love women, hell, I’ve married four of them! What’s shameful are people such as John McCain who poses as a man, yet lacks the courage generally asscoiated with being one.
      How long will it be ere ye make an end of words Arbourist? I think if you’d hold your peace, it would altogether be your wisdom.


      • I meant the above reply for the infantile response of Arbourist to my first comment … Sorry about misplacing it.


      • Bachmann didn’t ask for proof, she asked for an investigation. I know that’s somewhat difficult to grasp and I typed it as slow as possible.

        It is always nice to have reason to do something. For instance, having more evidence than ‘dark whispers’ for starting a witch-hunt. That you are doubling down on the tinfoil-hat inanity is a further testament to your uncritical analysis of events.

        How long will ye vex my soul, and break me in pieces with words?

        Stop using gendered slurs and we’ll call it even. I won’t have say you’re acting like a douche, and you’ll be a better person for it, it is win all around. 🙂


      • True, there’s no point in attempting to reason with creatures like Arbourist – who I think is actually nominally female, given the fixation on gender – but, as its purpose is to be rude enough to silence proper thought and expression – normal libtard tactic – it behooves right-thinking people to respond and tell it where to go.


        • but, as its purpose is to be rude enough to silence proper thought and expression – normal libtard tactic – it behooves right-thinking people to respond and tell it where to go.

          I think you’re feeling all impinged upon for me stepping up and calling you on your racism and poor argumentation. I also think you don’t actually know what the phrase “free speech” entails.

          Ed Brayton has a lovely analysis of “right-thinkers” and then of course the actual meaning of what the right to free speech is.

          Shorter – Free Speech is not freedom from criticism. When you say stupid/hateful things it well within my right free speech to call you out on your BS assumptions.


        • Trolling, trolling, trolling…
          Keep the bile rolling…



          • I’d really like to know what your definition of “trolling” actually is because a good deal of your behaviour would fit quite nicely under that particular category. Please note I’ve made a claim and as with all claims one should back them with evidence.

            Just a little sample of your useful discussion from thread so far:

            J: “Keep the bile rolling…”
            J: “Your stupidity is showing again, arbourist”
            J: “again, expected from leftwing filth ”
            J: “You’re just another American-hating Leftie”
            J: “with creatures like Arbourist”
            J: “normal libtard tactic”

            Derailing the thread, ignoring arguments, using insults instead of addressing the points raised; usually these things happen when your arguments are shoddy and indefensible and would fall under the category of “trolling”.

            As you have not offered anything even mildly resembling a counter-argument, therefore one would have to conclude that, indeed, you have nothing except for whining about tone and hurt fee-fees about called out on your argument-fail. 🙂


  6. since muslima is a more specific and proper title for a female Muslima by their own cultural standards.

    Interesting, but then…

    It’s hardly a witch-hunt since her families ties to vermin of the Muslim Brotherhood…

    Which leads me to believe that you are not using Muslima for appropriate cultural context, but rather as blunt tool to other someone into an identifiable class, in order to vilify them.

    To the point of the actual post, it would seem that making allegations based on flimsy (at best) evidence, conspiracy theories and thinly veiled Islamophobia is not a rational way to behave.

    And finally, you’re not a skeptic. You’re just another American-hating Leftie.

    Your concern and categorization is noted. 🙂 You just need to know that if you say uncivilized or provably wrong things, I’ll be here using my skeptical prowess err… “American-hating leftism” to show the how and why you are wrong.


    • The problem with that is that you’ve been utterly unable to prove me, or any other American here, wrong. All you’ve done is be rude and to troll about, declaiming our presumed motives for what we say.


      • There are many levels of wrong. Highlighting sexist and racist comments is also important, as it may give people, correctly, the impression that they are not okay and should not be loosely banded about.

        unable to prove me, or any other American here, wrong

        Given the evidence cited and the points contested that statement is not correct. So are we to believe that ‘being American’ is to be infallible? The evidence for this would be what, precisely?

        All you’ve done is be rude and to troll…

        If having unsupported arguments and bigotry confronted and refuted is unpleasant experience for you, perhaps refraining from engaging in said behaviours would lessen your negative feelings in the future. 🙂


  7. OK, I’m here. Sorry I’m late – what did I miss? haha


    • Heya Vern. 🙂

      Not much is happening really, at least in terms of arguing. 🙂

      However, there has been a great deal of whining about tone and how insulted people are when their cherished racism/misogyny is not given the proper deference.


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