Gimme that old time religion, er, I mean protestin’!

This is what Occupy Wall Street is about. And now that major news outlets have deigned to take notice, it’s growing into a movement.  Invitations to local demonstrations are popping up all over Facebook (I’ve had two invitations just this morning) and this has generated an organizing site here. It gets personal at We Are the 99 Percent.  From there:

UPDATE: Here’s the official site for Occupy Wall Street. And I just found another picture I rather fancy.

23 responses to “Gimme that old time religion, er, I mean protestin’!

  1. I absolutely LOVE this whole movement.
    I WILL pass this link on!


  2. This has the feel of something big, partly because it feels slightly disorganised with no obvious leaders, just a great welling up of pissed off people who feel they just arent being listened to. Those of us who remember 1968 ah the nostalgia! Moe I’d love to hear your take on that demo 🙂


    • David, I was at the March on Washington in ’68 – were you there?? It was amazing. I went with my brother and a friend of his ( today that brother is a LImbaugh Dittohead; I don’t know what happened to the guy I knew back when). I think the big time activists in those days – like the Berringers – were heros.

      The opposition to that war went on for years and years and for all of that, we didn’t get out till ’75. And the first ‘advisors’ were there when JFK came into office. I still think that war, followed as it was by Watergate, destroyed faith in our insittutions and debased civic life. It was a horror. We lost our way in Vietnam.


  3. David and Moe you’re on to something here…..


  4. I really hope this movement will lead to real change…


  5. There is a lot of anger, frustration, and want in this country right now, and I’m glad that some people are speaking up about it. Our country is capable of better things than the inequality and poverty we see now.


  6. There is an article in today’s Wall Street Journal, which I do not have in front of me , on the Wall Street protesters. Memory fails me on a lot of it, but one point they made was the problem these protesters have. Their guy Obama runs the country..

    The other problem the protesters have is they do not propose any unified solution .What exactly do they want done ? They don’t even know .


  7. I will be heading to my local Portland demonstration on Thursday. I’m also very excited to see that the protests are spreading beyond US borders–apparently there are Occupy Montreal and Occupy Melbourne demonstrations being planned. Makes sense, since the problem is global….


  8. Just wondering what “ism” the freaks want to replace dastardly “capitalism” with …
    let me know.
    I don’t get you guys. You’re getting the “change” you wanted. What’s the matter … you don’t like it? You guys will never get it. It matters not who is in power … none of them give a damn about you! I sit here and read this crap and watch the poor people who “don’t have health insurance” (like that’s a God given right) and it’s pathetic. Pathetic in the sense that people bitch and moan that the government isn’t providing them with every aspect of living; instead of getting off their dead a$$es and doing something about it. The bottom line is … America is still a free country. If you don’t like the situation you’re in, your free to do something else. Geez!


    • As long as it’s not the sanctioned sociopathy of libertarianism. Those mofos would turn us into Iran.


    • Well….I think that’s the thing, people don’t feel they’re getting the change that they wanted. The protesters probably want someone in power who will give a damn about them, or at least a situation that will force the people in power to give a damn about them.


  9. You’ve probably checked it out already, but if not, there are some very good pics from Occupy Wall Street on the Ordinary Places, Ordinary People blog featured on the home page today.


  10. writechic,

    So Iran is run by small government Libertarians ? Who knew ?


  11. The Occupy Wall Street actions are not manufactured, corporate-sponsored-and-scripted Koch-head Tea Party “events”, but grassroots demonstrations by real, honest, decent Americans who have had their wealth and their future ripped from under their feet by a kleptocratic class of sociopathic greedheads incapable of producing anything other than infinite clouds of gibbering pestilential Corpspeak, incomprehensible securities, and hallucinatory Gant charts. Oh yeah, and asset bubbles, can’t forget them.

    These amoral parasites are what our craven, corporate-owned media now call “wealth producers”; “wealth reducers” is the apt term. What they want above all is the free ride they believe they are so richly entitled to; they project the desire for “entitlements” on to people who actually work for a living, because the only way they know to get money is con somebody into giving it to them. It’s not that they think they pay taxes that are too high, it’s that they think it’s their right to pay nothing at all, not one penny. These privileged pinheads jack themselves off staring at their shitty spreadsheets and fantasizing how “productive” and “self-reliant” they are, then when their sleazy con games crap out, they’re the first to whine for government to come and save their sorry asses. They want to keep it all for themselves when their crapshoot wins; when they lose, the rest of us are forced to suffer for their imbecility.


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