Experiencing and reporting 9/11

Reporters (not pundits) recall where they were and how they got into ‘reporting’ mode as events unfolded on the morning of September 11. (This was created by the PBS program, Washington Week. Those appearing have all been panelists on that show.)

Vodpod videos no longer available.

4 responses to “Experiencing and reporting 9/11

    One of the few networks worth watching.


  2. Thanks for posting that Moe. Leave it to PBS to handle it so well. We were in Ireland on 9/11 and didn’t hear the news until an hour after the fact. I remember watching the second plane which looked like a speck on the TV screen and thinking what havoc it was about to wreck. It’s always the seocnd plane I see when I remember.
    They had a service at the Cathedral in Sligo and the church was full to overflowing. They invited people to sit on the floor of the alter. They sat on the Communion rail. Every aisle was full.
    Our neighbors some we didn’t know, all came to our cottage. They brought meals, homemade bread and jam and of course, Irish Whiskey which we gave to Michael. We will never forget the ourpouring of love for us and in turn for our country.
    The hardest part was being so far away from the children and you. That was the hardest.


    • Susie, There were a few letters to the editor in the Herald Trib this am from people who had similar experiences – being abroad on 9/11. And being embraced by the people around them.


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