Rush tea bags Obama’s base

The Daily RushVia MediaMatters, Rush on Obama’s base from his April 14 show:

…his base is made up of people even more vile than he is…walking human debris…those savages that make up the Obama base are fit to be tied…their orgasm is for Obama to savage us…

Etc., etc., etc….

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38 responses to “Rush tea bags Obama’s base

  1. This was POSTED BY ORHAN – Don’t blame it on Moe!


  2. That man is a stain on the soul of humanity. As ugly as they get.


  3. It might be of interest to the medical profession that whenever Limbaugh opens his mouth the only things that come out are drool, foam, excrement, or lies.

    Of course the same might be said of Hannity and Beck, and of the leaders of the various Republican factions soiling the political landscape these days.


    • The drool comes from the Oxycontin…


    • The political landscape (whatever that means) is soiled by all “factions” Ric. And “drool, foam, excrement” and lies come out of just about every politician’s mouth … whether Republican or Democrat.
      Are you an intellectual or just spewing drool, foam and excrement? “Political landscape” … jeez!


      • Nope, I’m neither smart enough nor dedicated enough to consider myself an intellectual. But you, according to your website, are one of the elect few, a foaming, spewing Obama birther, among your other wingnut accomplishments, all of which give you the intellectual heft of a piece of used toilet paper rushing to be part of the Limbaughian sewer of excrement that passes for thought among the right-wing intellectual basket cases you so admire.


  4. and there’s nothing racist about his use of “savages”.


  5. Simply vile yet sadly not surprising. More sad still are the many Americans who actually believe what Rush says. Beyond depressing and a sign of why these times are so divided in our country and why our political system has been so thoroughly debased by this hateful rhetoric which finds more and more mainstream affirmation in the leadership circles of the Republican party. This is also why Dems and the left must fight like hell to stand with Obama and see him reelected. Obama’s fate is about more than one political leader with strenths and flaws like all of us. It is about fundamentally what kind of country we hope to be. Obama’s view of America or Rush’s view. The choice is an easy one for me.


  6. I thought the comments by Rush were eloquently discriptive, and accurately articulated. Why get your panties in a wad at some name calling? Jeez, look at the crap the commentors are calling Mr. Limbaugh. It’s okay for the left to malign and label people with debasing names and phrases (ie, “teabagging”, “birthers”, etc.); but if someone on the right does it … whoa … now that’s just dispicable!!!
    Gawd, dry the tears.
    Been missing you Moe. Luv ya!


    • Steve, I’m sorry you can’t hear how nasty the man is. He’s been calling people names and debasing people – by name – for 20 years. For 15 hours a week. But the left called someone a name!!!

      Limbaugh is more than a pundit, more than a talker. He is larger htan life, has an enormous effect on our national discourse and he debases it and diminishes it. But what the hey – he can buy his wives and do his drugs and the sun comes up in the morning.

      In fact, I think he’s a scared, insecure little fat man who hides behind his walls in Palm Beach and will never ever feel accepted. Childish fears – but he never grew up.


      • Come on Moe! Obama can do crack cocaine and everyone thinks he’s cool … I haven’t seen anyone here comment on that. In my opinion Obama and his ilk are the most dispicable people on the planet. At least Limbaugh got into rehab and overcame his problem; yet you guys keep bringing it up.
        Who cares about how many wives he’s had? I mean, so what? What’s the deal about that? As far as being overweight … I kinda think he’s done okay on that “dispicable” thing as well. Personally, I don’t have a problem with a person’s weight, as it has nothing to do with what’s inside them … with the matters of the heart.
        I was listening to that particular broadcast and I understand his frustration, so stand by my statement. It’s hypocritical of the left to get all bent out of shape over his comments.


        • Obama crack cocaine? Really?


          • Surely you’re kidding, in that you don’t know that he readliy admits to that?


          • I believe he admitted to cocaine in college. ‘Crack cocaine’ is a street drug.


          • My dear, “crack” and “cocaine” are one in the same. Same product; “crack” is made from placing powder cocaine in a spoon, for example, with baking soda and water … bringing it to a boil; letting it cool and scrapping the “rock” off the top. The effect of “crack” cocaine through smoking is somewhat more potent than snorting powder cocaine. However, mainlining, or shooting powder cocaine is much more potent than smoking “crack”. There is no “college style” of cocaine … whether in powder or “crack” form. Oh, and one can mainline crack cocaine. Simply put the rock in a spoon and break it down with vinegar, and suck it up into your syringe and go to work.
            Going back to what I said at the beginning … why is Rush’s former addiction a big deal for you all but Obama’s experimentation not? G.W. Bush’s supposed ‘experimentation’ with cocaine was a very big deal for you people … but suddenly it’s very cool for Obama?


          • Wwow – you know way too much about cocaine Steve! 🙂

            Powder v crack is how society judges – cracks is low class, powder is high class. As bizarre as that sounds. Street vs board room.

            You ask why I don’t judge Obama the same way I judge Rush? It’s an aggregate of how they’ve lived their lives. I look at Obama, student, teacher, husband, father, stable acheiver and I see someone whose acheivments and discipline speak well of him.

            Rush doesn’t come close in terms of either acheivement or discipline, but even so that wouldn’t be enough reason to call him despicable.

            I call him that not because of his failings – Elvis knows we all have those – but because he rants for 15 hours a week about other people’s failings. And he’s done it for 20 years. He was enraged about Clinton’s sex life. From Paula Jones on – in the midst of that, Newt had made him an honorary member of the 1994 Congress.

            And yet?

            Clinton one marriage. Obama one marriage. And they don’t lecture people about sex or morality.

            Rush three marriages (or four?) Newt three marriages. And they DO lecture people about sex and morality.

            And that’s why.


    • Ooh yeah, I had at least five orgasms during Obama’s speech — this bit of walking human debris is STOKED, dude!


  7. I had actually wondered if he actually said this, or was a an internet myth or fraud. I thought it would be beneath even Rush, but unfortunately it wasn’t, and isn’t.


  8. The President is the flag of his supporters . He does what they want even when it hurts the country . He did a few things they didn’t like and now to get them back he has moved back to the far left . Rush is right Obama’s supporters are worse than he is , but they are his power .

    Things look a lot different to him from the heights of the White House than when he was a lowly Senator . Things are not so easy as when he was blaming Bush for everything , wait he still does that .

    Remember the pledge to close Guantanamo ? Remember the pledge of no lobbyists in his administration ? Remember the pledge to cut the deficit in half in his first term ? Remember the pledge ” I will also go through the federal budget, line by line, eliminating programs that no longer work and making the ones we do need work better and cost less ”

    And yet you , his loyal supporters , love him . We , the ” loyal opposition ” , always knew never to trust this guy .


    • Good points Alan! How about the promise to give the American public 5 days to view any bill that comes to his desk before he signs it. How about the historic rate of gas prices is because the economy is “recovering”! (when it happened when Bush was president, the reason was, “he’s in bed with big oil, and is profitting personally from it!”)
      How about we’re producing more oil … even though all off shore drilling and exploration (for the U.S.) has been stopped for a minimum of seven years!
      And these barely scratch the surface of the liar and the disaster of a “president” this guy is; yet Rush Limbaugh is the bad guy!
      These Obama supporters still fail to see or perhaps don’t care that when America realizes bankruptcy, is insolvent, and the Chinese recall their loans, that the left goes down as well as the right along with the nation. The trouble with the left is they are so bent on getting something for nothing, ie social programs, they don’t care about the general wellbeing of America. Just give us our perks …


      • [And these barely scratch the surface of the liar and the disaster of a “president” this guy is; yet Rush Limbaugh is the bad guy!]

        It’s not an either/or proposition Steve. You’re reducing the argument to a false simplicity to make your point.

        By the way, I liked Bush well enough till he went to Iraq and sent the debt soaring, after which I learned to loathe him. But he was always the President to me, albeit one I didn’t like. He was never the “president”. He’s your president too Steve, whether you like it or not.


      • What fascinates me about the Right is way they invert reality. The Wall Street parasites that now control the country are incapable of producing anything but asset bubbles, phantom wealth propped up by creative accounting that evaporates as soon as the bubble bursts, leaving nothing but devastation behind — yet the Right wants to give these ghouls even more wealth and power than they already have! And the Right calls these thugs “productive”, while people who have ACTUALLY WORKED all their lives are labeled “non-productive” — it would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad.


        • Who the heck do you think got a bulk portion of the “bailout” money ojmo? Jeez, come back to reality. Obama’s in bed with the “Wall Street parasites”, as much as he is with the unions. Your perception of who the “right” deem productive couldn’t be more off the mark.


          • Well, whoever you guys actually “deem productive”, giving more to the rich so they can inflate their already bloated bank accounts is not going to help the country.


    • Well duh-oh — even Limbaugh has brains enough to know that a good number of Democrats are angry with Obama’s failure to fulfill his campaign promises. And isn’t the power of any president, Democrat or Republican, his base of supporters? And no, we don’t love him — mindless obedience to the dictates of a Leader is a Republican characteristic, not a Democratic one.


  9. Steve ,

    The President now has an actual record that he has to defend and run on . Not like the good old days when he was a an Illinois State Senator and got to vote ” present ” 130 times . I got that from Ms. Holland’s favorite newspaper, the NY Times . 🙂


  10. Ojmo ,

    Just to twist the knife a little . This little tid bit from the Washington Post . Washington DC had a lot of high expectations from President Obama . DC wants statehood and voting rights in Congress . Because DC is a major African American city , having the first African American President was seen as a historic opportunity .

    However, Obama reportedly used DC abortion rights as a bargaining chip to Speaker Boehner . 6 Council members as well as the Mayor got put in handcuffs at a protest over it .

    You guys are nothing but pawns and poker chips to be used for the greater good of getting President Obama reelected .


    • Your rapier-like wit is devastating. By that logic, or lack thereof, then any political compromise could be interpreted to mean someone or something is a “pawn” or “poker chip” for some politician’s greater good.


  11. Obama cracked cocain and I don’t care
    Obama cracked cocain and I don’t care
    Obama cracked cocain and I don’t care

    Come on sing it.


  12. ” Obama cracked cocain and I don’t care ”

    I believe you .


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